Public Relations – Press Releases – Perpetually Refreshed !

The benefits from a correctly targeted, well written, article or announcement in a carefully chosen trade magazine, e-zine, newspaper or industry body website are often difficult to measure – but they are widely agreed to have a positive effect, particularly in building brand awareness and visibility.

They can also alert current customers and both known & unknown prospects to your new products & services, quite cost-effectively.

As many companies do not have an in-house PR specialist, we offer a service to work with you in partnership to plan and Clipboardimplement:

  • What and Why you should be communicating
  • To which market segments, customers and key prospects
  • In which appropriate styles and media
  • In which publications (print and digital) and industry websites
  • At which frequencies / timing
  • And how to evaluate and follow-up the responses - and gain benefit

Contact Us for a review and discussion of your PR needs.

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